Book review

Hello 5-2, My book is called Diary of a wimpy kid and the author is: Jeff Kinney.

There is a by named Greg Hefley, he lives with his mom and dad. At the start Greg is doing some New Years resolutions. He first starts of by telling his mom to “Stop chewing your potato chips so loudly” Greg’s mom was not impressed. After that, Greg went over to his dad, Frank Hefley and his dad said, “I promise I wont eat candy” The next thing Greg knew, was that his dad was in the garage eating CANDY! Greg was pretty mad. Now its Rodrick’s turn ( Greg’s brother ) He made a list on what his brother cant do to him. Rodrick is ALWAYS rude to Greg, it’s a very low chance he will be nice to him! by the time Greg finished his list Rodrick did all of them, before Greg couldn’t even think of what the punishment was! Greg was pretty mad after that.

My favorite part in the book would be, when Greg gets mad at everybody, because its VERY funny to watch him get mad. There are pictures that describe the scene and what’s happening.

I would recommend this to people who like adventure, funny, and to make their day MUCH better!

I hope this gave some information about this book, so you can read it too!

2019-2020 Blog ELA

Hello 5-2! What’s good about staying at home is you get more free time. With that free time I normally use it on doing extra work, talking to friends on zoom, there’s more flexability, You can make your own Sheledule if you don’t like the original. I like how mr paas also, gives us free time at the end of the day, to catch up on work. Mr paas puts a meeting everyday, so you can see each other. I hope we can get back to school in September, Goodbye! 🖐

How-to make oatmeal cookies!

1 cup of butter or margarine 1/2 cups of corn flakes
1 cup of brown sugar 1 1/2 cups of flour
1 egg 1/4 tsp. of baking soda
1 1/4 cups of quick oatmeal 1/4 tsp. of baking powder

1) Cream butter and sugar then add the well beaten egg.

2) Crush the corn flakes, add the oatmeal and then the flour, soda and baking powder sifted together.

3) Form into small balls and place on greased cookie sheet.

4) Flatten with a fork and bake an 375″F oven until a delicate brown, about 15 minutes.

They are good, crispy and don’t require too many ingredients (all stuff you have on hand all the time)

Je suis unique!

Bonjour 5-2! Je suis unique parce que, je peux inventer tout ce que je peux imaginer! Je suis unique parce que, je peux inventer tout ce que je peux imaginer! Quand je m’ennuie, je dessine une bande dessinĂ©e ou d’inventer quelque chose avec Lego! Je peux faire beaucoup de choses avec des matĂ©riaux qui traĂźnent autour de la maison. J’aime inventer des choses!

Ma passion

Ma passion est Softball. J’ai commencĂ© Ă  jouer au baseball quand j’avais 3 ans. J’aime vraiment attraper et lancer. J’aime bavarder les chauves-souris, c’est parce que tu t’assieds lĂ  et que tu attends que la balle vienne te voir. Je suis vraiment bon Ă  se lever si je manque le ballon. Je pense que la capture de chauve-souris est mon endroit prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© pour ĂȘtre sur le terrain!

Critique de livre

Nom: Molly Title: Le champion de Lundi
Auteur: Danielle Simard

Les personnages principaux sont Julien et Odile. DÉBUT: J’ai Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ© Ă  Julien au dĂ©part. Julien aime courir et il aime les bains chauds. MOYEN: Julien a Ă©tĂ© choisi pour ĂȘtre le champion de la semaine. quand il rentrait chez lui, nous sommes allĂ©s dans les hautes herbes et avons perdu sa mĂ©daille. FIN: Julien Ă©tait trĂšs triste et il est allĂ© dire au professeur qu’il l’avait perdu. Le professeur a sorti beaucoup de mĂ©dailles qui se ressemblaient.


J’Ă©tais content quand Julien a trouvĂ© sa mĂ©daille. Je pensais qu’il n’allait pas le trouver!

Je recommande ce livre Ă  ceux qui aiment les aventures

Classement 5/5
la raison pour laquelle j’Ă©value ce livre comme un 5/5 est parce que c’est trĂšs amusant Ă  lire et c’est triste mais j’aime la fin!

5 faits intéressants a mon sujet / 5 Things You Should Know About Me

1. Je joue au softball, la raison pour laquelle j’aime le softball, c’est parce que c’est trĂšs divertissant et vous dĂ©placez ALOT. J’ai commencĂ© Ă  jouer au softball quand j’avais 4 ans.

2. J’aime les singes. J’aime vraiment les singes parce qu’il ya trùs adorable et mignon et ils fait un mignon son. FUN FACT Monkey’s Peal leurs pelures de banane de bas en haut.

3. J’ai un chat nommĂ© Leo. Leo est trĂšs grand et il miaule ALOT. Parfois, Leo me rĂ©veille le matin parce qu’il a faim comme d’habitude.

4. J’aime faire de la planche Ă  roulettes, je commence Ă  obtenir le coup de contrĂŽler ma planche Ă  roulettes. Je vois toujours d’autres personnes sur Internet faire toutes ces choses Ă©tonnantes. Quand je les vois faire des tours, je suis comme wow je ne pourrais jamais le faire, mais maintenant j’ai confiance!

5. Je vais dans une cabane en Ă©tĂ©, Ma cabine est Ă  Flin Flon. Flin Flon est au Manitoba dans le nord. J’ai passĂ© une partie de ma vie lĂ -haut. Mon pĂšre vit en Saskatchewan, juste Ă  l’extĂ©rieur de Flin Flon.


1. I play softball, The reason why I like softball is because its very entertaining and you move ALOT. I started playing softball when I was 4.

2. I love monkeys. I Really like monkeys because there very adorable and cute and they make this cute little sound. FUN FACT Monkey’s Peal their banana peels from the bottom to the top.

3. I have a pet cat named Leo. Leo is very fat and he meows ALOT. Sometimes Leo wakes me up in the morning because he is hungry as usual.

4. I enjoy skateboarding, I am starting to Get the hang of controlling my skateboard. I always see other people on the internet doing all these AMAZING tricks. When I see them do tricks I am like wow I could never do that but now I have confidence!

5. I go to a cabin in the summer, My cabin is in Flin Flon. Flin Flon is in Manitoba up North. I spent part of my life up there. My dad lives in Saskatchewan just outside of Flin Flon.